Talking to animals is one thing, adventures with insects is something else! This morning on my daily dog walk, I was stopped short by movement in my path.

It was a cicada, spinning wildly in circles on its back.

It ‘felt‘ to me like it was having a panic attack – and a small bird flew away as I approached.

I’m not sure whether it had actually been attacked, or was just panicking at the thought.

As I knelt down, I spoke quietly, reassuring it – ‘it’s ok, settle down, you’re safe, let me help you‘. The spinning stopped. I held my finger close to it and asked it if it could climb on, and that I would take it to safety. I felt its little legs attach to my finger and grip (it was almost like a little hug of thank you).

I moved it to a nearby tree, sent some love and healing, and left it in peace.

It got me thinking – I’ve been doing quite a bit of cicada rescue this summer!

I do love them, they are so pretty, their chirp (if that’s what it’s called) is synonymous with summer to me, and I love to see their moulted shells abandoned half way up the walls of the house!

The march of the empty shells!

A few times I’ve had to move one that I found resting on my washing when I went to bring it in, to nearby trees.

I also found one on my back doorstep, lying prone – I’m inclined to think it was a newly moulted one, rather than injured – and again, asked it to grip on and moved it to a safe spot. When I checked later it was gone.

I’ve been having a few conversations with flies, too.

Luckily we do have fly screens on our windows, so don’t get too many in the house, but when they do appear I’m very adept at catching them by placing a glass over them, a piece of paper underneath, and transporting them to freedom outside!

However, lately I’ve actually been chatting to them, and asking them if they’re ready to go out. “If you’ll stay still and let me help you, I can get you outside to your friends”. It seems to settle them down so I can catch them more easily!

I’ve only had ‘no’ once so far – hopefully when I ask again it will be ready.

I chatted more about this recently on Facebook Live –

When it comes to mozzies and biting insects they do seem to love me… I generally get eaten alive in the summer.

Again, the fly screens are a god send, but occasionally one slips through, thanks to a door left open (or hitching a ride on a dog, lol).

The other night at bedtime I spotted one in our en-suite… I don’t like to kill anything, but mozzies push me to the limit… it’s self preservation! I decided to try talking to it first. “Please, stay away from me tonight, stay off my skin, stay in the bathroom. You’re very welcome to stay here if you stay away from me. Otherwise, you need to move on (and you’d really be better off outside).” I didn’t get bitten that night, woohoo!

Then there’s the baby cricket…

For the last 3 days there’s been a baby cricket in the bathroom. Too small to be chirping, luckily – nothing worse than a cricket chirping somewhere in the house and not being able to find it!

The first night I said Hi, and asked if it would like some help to get back outside. Nope, it hopped away quick smart.

Same thing the second night. I explained things, then put a piece of paper nearby for it to climb or hop onto – and it leapt fast in the other direction. Nope, not ready thanks.

Last night, it was in the middle of the bathroom floor. I again asked if it was ready to go out – it stayed still. I maneuvered my fingertips into position around it – and it slowly climbed on. All good so far! I carried it to the other room to the window – fully expecting it to leap off at some point on the way – but it waited til I put my hand out the window, then was gone.

Just another day in the life of an Animal Communicator, ha ha.

Do you talk to insects? Let me know your experiences below!

Have a read of my free e-book, the ‘Insider’s Guide to Animal Communication‘, to learn more ways to better understand, and communicate with, your own animals.

About Trisha

Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life.  She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years.  She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.


Trisha with Levi and Pippa