If you’re on lockdown thanks to Covid-19 and got extra time on your hands, or you’re unable to visit your horse or ride for some other reason, now’s the perfect time to indulge in this Animal Communication lockdown binge list!
Treat yourself to viewing / listening / reading / training from the smorgasbord below:
First up in our animal communication binge is some reading; you’ll find a variety of topics on my Blog page.
You might like to find out whether horses like being ridden, do horses like wearing a bit, how intelligent they are, whether you’re the problem, whether they hide things in animal communication sessions, my tips on addressing loading problems, what horses think about wearing shoes, whether our horses trust us, more about ulcers or gelding scars, or insights as to why your horse’s behaviour has changed recently.
If you’re interested in blogs on specific topics, here are some shortcuts:
- Pendulum Surveys
- Animal Opinions
- Horse Communication
- Horse Health
- Animal Communication
- And there are Animal Communication tips for you to try here, and here.
If you prefer to listen rather than read, most of my animal communication blogs have audio recordings – you can listen to them here.
Ready to binge on how to develop your own Animal Communication skills? Here are the direct links for my various free online trainings / webinars:
- Healing our Animal Partners
- Why the Energetic Health of your Horse / Pet matters
- What’s Wrong With My Horse?
- Insider’s Guide to Animal Communication
And you can sign up for the free Masterclass, Deepen Your Connection with your Horse, here.
Is it time to learn a new skill? Try your hand at using Oracle Cards!

If you’re ready to go further, you can buy my self paced Animal Communication course here.

Check out my Pinterest page here
My latest ‘live’ Animal Communication Q&A (3 Apr 2020) is here,
and you can check out my YouTube channel here and binge the Playlists.
Free Opt-ins
You can sign up to receive my pdf checklists / training here:
What’s Wrong With My Horse? – 6 page pdf to help you figure out what’s going on with his health, behaviour, and happiness.
End of Life Checklist – If you have an elderly horse or pet and are wondering how you’ll really know if / when it’s ‘time’… Grab this checklist to help you recognise what stage they’re at, and things you can do for them, from an animal communicator’s perspective
Insiders Guide to Animal Communication – In this 12 page e-book I share with you:
💖 8 ways your horse or pet is already communicating with you
💖 4 easy ways you can communicate with your pet, and
💖 the top 10 things you can learn from an animal communication session, and
💖 my own tips for developing your animal communication skills.
If you’d like to mingle with other animal peeps who are on a spiritual path, and maybe practice your animal communication skills in our regular challenges, come join us at Trisha Wren ~ Spiritual Stuff, my closed Facebook group.
Stay safe everyone, and keep connecting with your horses,
Trisha x
If you’re ready to cut to the chase and get all your burning questions answered, book an Animal Communication session here (includes physical check, and energetic clearing and rebalancing).
About Trisha
https://www.trishawren.com/connect-with-your-horse-animal-communication-course/Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years. She’s been a full time horse communicator and healer since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.