Before becoming an Animal Communicator I always thought it was a bit rude to change an animal’s name. It’s theirs, it’s what they’re used to. With dogs especially, they have usually been trained to answer and respond to their name. Surely you’d have to start all over if you give them a new name?
I have a rescue dog who came with almost the same name as my cat. But it just didn’t feel right to change her name again, as she’d been given a new name when she was rescued.

Here’s Pippa!
However, a couple of different Animal Communication readings changed my perspective!
In one, with a dog, he clearly didn’t care which name he had, and was fine with the owner picking one that they liked. It really didn’t matter to him.
For another dog, it was apparent that having a brand new name with his new owners would be a good thing. He felt that it would make the transition easier. His ‘old’ name held associations with his previous owners and life, which he could let go with a new name.
I’ve notice the same with horses, too. They don’t seem to be as attached to their name as we’d think. It’s more that their name attaches them to their owner.
My own horse, who I’ve had for 3.5 years, came to me as ‘Guru’ . (Yes, really, it was one of the things that drew me to her!) I called her Roo, for short. However, she has just decided that she doesn’t like that name, and would rather be called Rose!
I wondered if maybe she felt pressure at being called Guru? But, no, it was more to do with the associations with previous owners, she wanted something fresh, new, and her own.
So, as an Animal Communicator, I now believe that most animals are actually ok with having their name changed.
If you’re considering it, and aren’t sure, by all means ask me to check in for you. Or, get quiet with your animal and ask them yourself, and notice what ‘feeling’ or answer you get from them.
This line of work (as an animal communicator) does tend to both challenge and surprise me regularly! It’s teaching me to abandon my preconceived ideas and just observe with interest. Turns out there’s a difference between what humans think animals like or want, and what they actually like or want!
Trisha x
Grab yourself my 12 page e-book, The Insider’s Guide to Animal Communication, here.
About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years. She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.
Hi Trisha
My pony told me his name when I communicated with him in an abbatoir. I saved him. He is my besty! My other boy, also saved, has also spoken to me … I actually heard him say to me “It’s not all about you you know”! He started me on my bitless journey. It’s so fascinating!
Oh that’s so lovely, isn’t it! Well done for listening and hearing!
I recently adopted a 4 year old ex breeding beagle, called Sophie. That was a problem as one of my other dogs is called Sophie – she’s 8 and we had her from 8 weeks, so couldn’t change her name. I turned out that the beagle didn’t seem to know her name was Sophie, as she was one of 30 dogs at the kennel. I knew another lovely little beagle called Ocean, but didn’t want to use the same name, so called her our new girl River. She seemed to know straight away that that was her name – which is pretty amazing when she hadn’t been used to having her name used much previously.
Lovely – sometimes starting fresh is the best way to go!