Your Lockdown Binge List

If you’re on lockdown thanks to Covid-19 and unable to visit your horse or ride, now’s the perfect time to catch up on your Animal Communication viewing / listening / reading, or learn something new! 

Select what Animal Communication blogs, training etc you’d like to binge on below.


My blog page  

If you’re interested in blogs on specific topics, here are some shortcuts:


If you prefer to listen rather than read, most of my blogs have audio recordings – you can listen to them here. 



Here are the direct links for my various free online trainings / webinars:

Healing our Animal Partners

Why the Energetic Health of your Horse / Pet matters

What’s Wrong With My Horse?

Insider’s Guide to Animal Communication

And you can sign up for the Masterclass, Deepen Your Connection with your Horse, here.


Check out my Pinterest page here


Latest ‘live’ Q&A (3 Apr 2020) here

Check out my YouTube channel here and binge the Playlists.



If you’re feeling anxious, low, or in need of a boost, enjoy my free healing:

Kia Kaha everyone – stay strong and stay safe.