Are you wondering if an animal communication session can fix all of your problems with your horse or pet?
What are your reasons for booking an Animal Communication session, or a healing session of some sort?
- Are you curious about what might come up?
- Looking for answers about a particular situation / experience?
- Or, are you looking for a ‘silver bullet’?
In my experience, the people who are most likely to get a great result from any kind of ‘woowoo’, energetic, or spiritual session / reading, are those who have an open mind and a positive outlook.
If, on the other hand:
- it’s a last resort,
- you come in with a negative attitude (‘this’ll never work but I suppose we’ll give it a go’),
- or, you’re expecting all your problems to be suddenly fixed,
the chances are you’re going to be disappointed.
The thing about any energy / woo / spiritual work is that the results are basically immeasurable. There are no guarantees – it may, or may not, be a silver bullet.
It’s not like asking your accountant, painter, or cleaner to do a specific piece of work for you, where you can easily see at the end whether they completed the task to your satisfaction.
Readings and healings are a joint effort, involving you, your reader / healer (eg me), and your respective spiritual teams (eg higher selves, guides). Mine can only do what yours (or your animal’s) allow me to.
Bear in mind too that you may not understand, or feel, the results immediately; that can take anything from hours to never (particularly if you are ‘closed’ to the possiblities).
It’s also worth remembering that, as much as we would like it to, the journey never ends!
We – and our animals – all have layers of issues, baggage, or things we’re supposed to (contracted to, even) work through in this lifetime. So, even if you do get a fantastic result, it doesn’t necessarily mean that more work won’t be required in the future.
So, can an animal communication session fix your problems?
Well, I’d recommend covering these bases before you start.
1. Make sure that before you book any session you’ve done your due diligence.
- Has this person been recommended to you?
- Do they have testimonials or case studies that you can read?
- Do you get a good ‘feel‘ about them?
- and, are you open to receive whatever messages or feedback they give you?
I recommend approaching your session / reading thinking ‘this will be interesting‘, rather than ‘this will fix everything’.
Make sure that you’ve done whatever preparation or elimination process YOU need to do before a session, and be open to having homework or recommendations to look at afterwards.
2. If you don’t get the result or answers you’re looking from, from me or any other reader, healer, or energy worker, try this:
- acceptance – you heard or felt what you were supposed to right now.
- patience – it’s entirely likely that more will be revealed to you, in good time.
- curiosity – it’s ok to ask, I wonder what that means? And much better than ‘I didn’t want to hear that’, or ‘that can’t be right’.
Have a read of this blog post too, for more on why animals might hide things from me / you in a reading.
Still wondering what’s going on with your horse or pet? Grab this free 6 page pdf, ‘What’s wrong with my…’ for more insights!
About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then taught horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia. She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.