In my animal communication sessions there are several FAQ’s – frequently asked questions – that come up regularly. It seems that, when it comes to our horses and pets, we all want reassurance about the same things!
(For the more general FAQ’s about how I personally work, hop over here.)
1. Is my horse happy?
The number 1 ‘frequently asked animal communication question’ I get asked is, ‘is he happy?’ I think deep down we usually do know the answer ourselves – but it can be really reassuring to get confirmation from someone who doesn’t know either of you personally. Perhaps when you suspect the answer is no it’s easier to hear it from someone else.
We all want reassurance that we’re doing the right things, as well as wanting our animals to know that we’re doing the best we can. If they’re NOT happy, in an animal communication session we can ask why not, and figure out how we can help them with that.
2. Is he in any pain?
Perhaps your horse has been injured in some way, is sick, ill, or elderly. Perhaps their behaviour has been hinting that maybe pain is involved.
It’s really helpful to know whether – or how much – pain they are in. They may ‘look’ like they’re in pain, when actually they’re just feeling really sorry for themselves! Or, maybe they are super stoic, in a whole lot of pain and just sucking it up. (There can be a variety of reasons for that, from not wanting to upset you, to not wanting to go back to the vet! Have a watch of this video if you think your horse might be hiding things from you.)
3. Does he love me?
Oh, we all want to know this! Don’t we?! In my animal communication sessions I generally ask whether the horse likes, or loves their person. There’s a subtle distinction there, that can be helpful.
(In a bit of an aside, after reading this article about cats, I recently did a pendulum experiment on my Facebook page to see what percentage of horses are ‘securely attached’ to their owners – you can see the results here.)
4. Does he know I love him?
You’re doing everything you can to give him a good life, but does he know it? I’ve found in my sessions that a small percentage of horses don’t… they almost seem a little oblivious to the whole concept of love. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re unhappy, and could be more of an indicator of how they’ve been treated prior to you.
I did a pendulum survey to find out more about this. Of 188 horses,
88% knew they were loved,
12% did not.
Bear in mind that the sort of people who would take part in my surveys (or read this blog, lol), are probably already pretty aware and doing everything they can for their horses. So, I’d suspect that in the wider horse world the number of horses who don’t know they are loved may be significantly higher…
Here’s the Facebook Live I did talking about the survey results, and tips for making sure your horse knows you love him:
5. Why is he sad / unhappy?
We tend to just ‘know’ when something isn’t right with our horse – but it isn’t necessarily easy to then figure out what the problem is.
If you’ve gone through a process of elimination, checking saddle, diet, teeth, feet, back etc, animal communication might be a useful next step.
(I’ll interject here that in my sessions I also routinely do a range of energetic clearing and re-balancing, which seems to really help with happiness, behaviour, and performance.)
6. Why is he spooky / anxious / bucking?
Again, you’ve probably checked and eliminated everything you can think of and drawn a blank. If your horse’s behaviour has changed for no apparent reason, an animal communication session might help identify what’s going on.
7. Does he like….?
This can be anything from paddock mates, farrier, body workers, instructors, or your chosen discipline! Owners are curious about it all – and of course that level of information can either confirm your suspicions about something, or inform your future decisions.
8. Is there anything he needs or wants?
Everyone asks this. We’d all do just about anything for our horses – if we just knew what it was that they wanted or needed. And before you think, ‘Well, horses will all ask for more carrots,’ – in over 1000 horse communication sessions so far, that has only happened once!
Most animals don’t ask for anything at all; I think they are just happy to have been asked, and happy that someone is listening to them. By asking them the question they realise that actually, their owner cares and wants to do the best for them.
9. End of life questions…
I do get a lot of queries from owners who are worried about their older horses. Is he ready to leave? Has he had enough? Does he want to carry on? What can I do to keep him comfortable?
Animal communication is a great way to find out what their opinions, and wants, are. It’s also a really useful way to explain things to them, so they know what’s coming.
If you’re at the stage of making those sorts of decisions, you might find my ‘End of Life Checklist‘ useful.
Of course there are a multitude of other questions we can ask our horses. What would you ask yours? Let me know in the comments!
Keep connecting with your horses,
Trisha x

Want to know more?
Book your Animal Communication session here, then send me a photo of your horse (anything is fine) with their name.
If you’d like to develop your own animal communication skills, grab my ‘Insider’s Guide to Animal Communication’ – a 12 page e-book to help you understand, and communicate better with your horse – here.

Disclaimer: please consult your vet if you are concerned about the health and well being of your animal. An animal communication session is not a replacement for veterinary advice.
About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia. She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.
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