Animal & Horse Communication Blog
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What do horses want to change about their owners?
I recently asked on my Facebook page, "What do you think most horses would want to change about their owners?" Quite a range of suggestions were shared, which came down to a list of 19 'improvements' owners could make - or, changes we think that horses would like us...
How to increase your horse’s trust
As an Animal Communicator I regularly get owners asking how they can increase their horse's trust in them. I always ask horses in a session whether - and how much - they trust their owners. Some people already know it's an area they need to work on, and others realise...
How to Practice Animal Communication
Are you wondering how to practice your animal communication skills - and perhaps even whether how it's going for you is 'right'? The good news is that this journey is different for everyone. I thought I'd share my own story; hopefully it reassures some of you! I do...
The best way to help your horse
Several times lately, in different circumstances, I've been reminded of the best way to help your horse (or pet). It's by no means easy - but there's one thing we all need to be aware of and consciously addressing when it comes to our animals. Picture the scene....
Finding lost or missing pets
As an Animal Communicator I often get asked for help finding lost or missing pets. If driving around the area hasn't helped, as owners we tend to think the worst and get anxious and worried, so hopefully these tips will help give you a plan and clarity on what's...
The ‘Emotional Bucket’ for Horses
Have you heard of the 'emotional bucket' for horses? I first became aware of it when I saw this infographic on Facebook:It's based on the 'Five Freedoms', which Wikipedia describes as: The Five Freedoms outline five aspects of animal welfare under human control. They...
Horse Buying Checklist
Are you thinking about buying a new horse? Have you written a 'horse buying checklist', so that you're clear up front exactly what you're looking for? You've probably already written a list of the things you're looking for in a horse - temperament, breed, height etc -...
Does your horse feel safe?
Does your horse feel safe, in himself? I'm not talking about from your perspective, eg whether he's 'safe to ride', or 'safe for you to be around' etc. Instead I found myself curious about what level of overall safety horses themselves experience. I'll get on to some...
Energy Balancing for Horses
Have you ever been told your horse would benefit from Energy Balancing, and found yourself wondering what that actually means? What is Energy Balancing, and why would horses need it? How does it affect them, and what does it do? First, what is 'energy', and why does...