When it comes to learning Animal Communication, it can be super helpful to know up front what your Learning Style is.Â
Each of us has a specific way that we learn best –
- by listening (auditory)
- by seeing (visual)
- by touching / experiencing (kinesthetic).
I’ve known for many years what my learning style is, but it was brought back to me recently after a conversation with my husband. He’s about to take part in a conference, and was complaining about having to sit through the inevitable boring PowerPoint slides with bullet points.
I pointed out that not everyone will find them boring, and that while the primary onus is on the presenter to make sure their presentation reaches each learning style, there is also a personal responsibility to know our own learning style so that we get the most out of our experience. For instance:
- If you’re a visual learner, you might wear headphones to block out sound, and just concentrate on what you ‘see’.
- If you’re auditory, ignore the slides and just ‘listen’ to the presentation.
- If you are primarily a kinesthetic learner, then you’ll probably benefit more from hands on workshops, not presentations.
Suddenly after this conversation I had a lightbulb flash of why it is that podcasts don’t resonate with me. After all, they’re the ‘in’ thing, right?! There are so many to choose from, and I do sometimes feel like I’m missing out – but I still can’t bring myself to listen to them.
Well, I realised that it’s because of my learning style. I’m primarily (about 60%) a visual learner. I need to see things. Demonstrations are great for me.
Hubbie and I have had minor (lol) clashes over the years, when he tries to describe to me something that he wants to do and can’t understand why I ask him to draw me a picture. If you ‘tell’ me something, it’s just words that seem to go in one ear and out the other. I need to ‘see’ it!
If you don’t already know yours, this is a quick and simple quiz you can do to find out your learning style.
Okay, so how does this relate to learning Animal Communication?
It took me a while of practicing my animal communication skills to get confident about how I receive my information.
I primarily get pictures, and colours, followed by feelings, and I get answers to questions that I ask.
Can you see a pattern here?
For me, my learning style in ‘normal’ life is mirrored in my animal communication sessions.
I’m still primarily a visual person when it comes to receiving and understanding information.
I believe this is also why I don’t hear streams of conversation in my sessions; I suspect that you have to have an auditory learning style to get your info that way. (I’ll be interested to hear if that’s your experience too, or, if you buck the trend! Let me know in the comments.)
So, before you beat yourself up for how you are or are not receiving your information when you’re practicing your animal communication skills, check what your learning style is. Perhaps you’ll find that learning Animal Communication is easier when you know how you’re most likely to get info!
Keep connecting with your horses and pets,
Trisha x
Want to develop your own Animal Communication skills? Check out my self paced course, here.
About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then taught horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years. She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.