If you’ve ever heard of the Body Code™ (a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit) or the Emotion Code, you might have wondered whether you can also find these imbalances and Trapped Emotions in horses and other animals. I’ve been using especially Emotion Code for horses more and more in my sessions, and yes, it’s proving both interesting and beneficial.
The premise is that,
emotionally-charged events from your past may still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions”— emotional energies that could literally stay in your body for years.
Dr Bradley Nelson
…if these trapped emotions continue to fester, they may create discomfort, imbalance, and potential malfunction in your body. They could also extract a heavy emotional toll, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve.
You can imagine how that might affect you – well, for your horse it might mean behaviour or performance problems, trauma from weaning or an accident, and more. The cool thing about the Emotion Code is that it gives a framework for how to identify the trapped emotions – or, in this case, the trapped emotions in horses – and how to release them.
With humans, it’s a bit like peeling an onion – your subconscious will only reveal the trapped emotions that it’s ready to release right now, so you will likely need to check regularly to see if there are more ready to go. From my other energy work with horses and animals though, it seems to me that they let go a little more easily and are mostly a bit less complicated. That means that we don’t necessarily need to know what the event that triggered the trapped emotions was – it’s enough to acknowledge them, and release them.
I’ve been using the Emotion Code in my human healing sessions for quite some time –
Wow oh wow!! I totally felt the change!! I was moving some furniture and then I sat down and all of a sudden I just felt different. I felt more at peace. It was a super neat feeling. Then sure enough I check my email later and at about the same time that I felt a movement within was about the same time as you did your thing. So cool!!!!
For some reason it hadn’t occurred to me to check whether it would be beneficial for animals, too!!
So, I offered a free check to my newsletter subscribers to check for trapped emotions in their horses, followed by a limited time offer to clear what came up.
As you probably know by now, I love my stats, and it was really interesting to see which emotions came up – and why.
Of all the horses I checked that week,
- none were less than 20% affected by trapped emotions.
- 16% were affected between 20-35%,
- 22% were affected between 50-65%, and
- 62% of them were more than 70% affected.
- 13% were 100% affected.
Looking at the actual trapped emotions that came up in horses, the top 3 were:
- Anxiety
- Abandonment, and
- Vulnerability.
Next were ‘love unreceived’, sorrow, then overwhelm and conflict.
The most interesting thing was when I delved into what experience had caused the trapped emotions – of those I checked, the issue ranged from 60-100% relating to weaning.
That’s probably not really a surprise, as it’s potentially the first traumatic experience a horse will have – and a great thing to address. Good to know too, that if you know of a particular experience which might be affecting your horse, I now have a way to address it directly.
I received this feedback regarding one of the horses I worked on –
Wow – the shift is indeed huge! She feels so much softer and more open. And our connection heart to heart is stronger than ever. Thank you so much. Even my Masterson practitioner was amazed how much more relaxed she seemed and how much freer the area around her heart showed up. She has even lost her “headache bumps” she tended to have.
Thank you so much.
Interesting, huh!? Identifying and releasing trapped emotions in horses is just one more way that we can help them feel better, physically, mentally, and energetically – and in the process, improve the connection and relationship between us.
Want to let your horse know that you’re listening, and trying to help? I’ll be including releasing trapped emotions in all of my standard Animal Communication & Healing sessions from now on, and you can also book a standalone Body Code™ session, for you or your horse.
If you’d like a quick free check to see which trapped emotions your horse currently wants to release, email me at trisha@trishawren.com with their photo and name! Or, go ahead and book an Emotion code for horses session to release their trapped emotions.
Keep connecting with your horses,
Trisha x
About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years. She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.
Hello it’s just become apparent to me that I may be communicating with horses and have been since very young age. How do I know if my experiences since childhood to now age 43 were, are proof of this? When did you become aware of your own abilities- some examples of things that sent out in this direction
For me it was when I joined a meditation group, and ‘suddenly’ was getting all sorts of information and experiences; then I started experimenting with horses I was in contact with / teaching. I was lucky to have a large number of horses available to me.
You can read more on my About page (https://www.trishawren.com/animal-communicator-2/), or join my newsletter list for more behind the scenes stuff – https://www.trishawren.com/animal-communication-newsletter/ .
My Animal Communication self-study course will take you step by step through what you need to know, how to interpret what you’re getting, how to trust it, how to ask questions and much more 🙂
Yes love the Emotion/ Body code. Use it on all my animals kids and self🤗👍