I recently asked on my Facebook page, “What do you think most horses would want to change about their owners?”
Quite a range of suggestions were shared, which came down to a list of 19 ‘improvements’ owners could make – or, changes we think that horses would like us to make. (Bear in mind when looking at the list that the sort of people that follow my page are most likely already pretty aware and sensitive!)
Since I have a bit of an inside track as an Animal Communicator, I put the 19 suggestions into chart form, then used my pendulum to tune in to the Horse Collective and rank them, from most important down.

Here they are from 1 to 19 – the things that horses most want to change in their owners:
- Communication
- Empathy
- Patience
- Listening
- Politeness
- Slow down
- Kindness
- Expectations
- Sensitivity
- Playtime
- Feel
- Authenticity
- Trustworthy
- Understanding
- Respect
- Being present / grounded
- Hands
- Reward
- Consistency
I thought the results were interesting – for instance, that ‘respect‘ only ranks at number 15, but also that Consistency is at number 19. The top 9 are really more about us being nicer, paying more attention, and going slower.
Are they what you expected? Let me know in the comments.
How are you doing with these things? What would your horse most want to change about their owner – you?
If you’d like me to check you with my pendulum, just drop me a line here with your horse’s photo and name. I’ll give you a score from 1-21 – #20 is ‘none’ (ie no changes needed), and #21 is ‘other’ (ie something not in the list).
Keep connecting with your horses,
Trisha x

If you’d like to learn how to use a pendulum to ask your own horse questions, check out my Pendulum Workshop.

About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years. She’s been a full time horse communicator and healer since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.
I get that the first 9 are about slowing down, (boy we all need to do that as a species!!) being kinder etc, but i’m surprised that trustworthy and being present aren’t up there!
I get the feeling from Serenity that she’s trying to tell me something when she nudges me… i’ve been thinking it was to be more confident, but now i’m not sure!!
I know, it’s interesting isn’t it? I’m sure it would vary according to the subset of horses that were being asked, too, eg different disciplines.
great blog, it has positive energy
Thank you, much appreciated!
positive blog
very interesting blog, like to read more , love and light
Thank you 🙂
i would make the owners feel more respect for the horse love and light