Have you ever wondered what animals think about the circumstances of their death, and what happens to horses and pets after they die?
I regularly get Animal Communication bookings from distraught owners who have either recently had to say goodbye to a beloved companion, or are facing making that difficult choice.
The most common questions that owners have around this time are:
- Did he suffer (or, is he in pain)?
- Does he blame me?
- Could I have done anything to prevent the outcome?
- Was it my fault?
- Is it time, or does he want to carry on?
- How will I know when it’s time?
- Does he have any messages for me?
- Is he still in pain?
- Where is he now?
There are 3 main times that owners have questions relating to what happens to their horses and pets after they die.
1. They’re getting older, and perhaps more infirm, or seem to be in more pain lately
An Animal Communication session can certainly help to clarify things for you when your horse or pet is getting older. As well as finding out how much pain or discomfort they’re in, it’s also a way to get their own opinions about how they’re feeling and whether they want to carry on or not. It’s also a really useful means of explaining things to them, eg why you’re making the decisions you are. I’ve found that they are much more accepting and peaceful when they know what to expect, and why.
2. Preparation for end of life
If the decision for euthanasia has been made, it can make a big difference to prepare the animal for it in advance. Whether it’s you verbally explaining things to them, or it’s done via an Animal Communication session, it gets you both on the same page about what’s coming up and why. In my sessions I also do additional energetic work to prepare them and ensure that everything goes smoothly.
3. After they’re gone
Whether they died in an accident, ‘naturally’, or were put to sleep, many owners still have questions after the fact. It can help us understand what happened and deal with our grief – and any guilt, remorse etc – to get some clarification from the animal afterwards about what happened and why.

So, what happens to them once they’ve passed over?
I’d like to share a bit more about the process of what happens to horses and pets after they die, in my experience, and what sorts of information you can expect from your pet at each.
The ideal outcome, after death, is that your horse or pet will cross straight over the Rainbow Bridge.
However, for some that doesn’t happen immediately, meaning that they are held, or stuck, in a kind of limbo.
What happens in ‘Limbo’
In that ‘limbo’ place, they tend to have a lack of understanding of what happened to them. They might be stuck in the fear or pain of their final moments, and unable to realise that actually, since they’ve passed over, there is no pain any more, or any reason to feel fear.
If they’re still in that place when I connect to them, I can likely get information from them about what happened to them, and why.
I can then reassure them about where they are now, so that they can let any negative emotions or pain go.
Finally, I can then help them to look for, and cross, the Rainbow bridge.
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Once they’ve fully passed over, there’s no longer any pain or any negative emotions. They feel very calm and serene, surrounded by love and happiness. They tend to either not be able to remember the circumstances of their death, or have no interest in revisiting that. The past is the past to them, and they’re very accepting of it. There’s no animosity or recrimination, no blame setting.
So, if I connect with an animal who is at this stage there tends to be less information available, because it’s no longer relevant to them. However, I can certainly ask your questions and see what they want to share.
It seems to me that the reason we ask so many questions about our horses or pets at the end of (or after) their life is more because we’re still here…. we’re still here in this lifetime without them, grieving and missing them. We’re still here with the memories of their decline, or how they died, and dealing with any decisions we made around that.
I hope I’ve given you some comfort, that
- You can give them some say in whether they’re ready to go or not, and when;
- An Animal Communication session can prepare them for what’s to come, and ensure it goes smoothly for all; and,
- The types of information you can expect to get after your horse or pet once they’ve passed over.
Do let me know in the comments.
Grab my free ‘End of Life Checklist’ (6 page pdf) here, to help you plan and be prepared.
Keep connecting with your horses and pets,
Trisha x
If you’re interested in delving deeper and getting all your burning questions answered, you can book an Animal Communication session here.
About Trisha
Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life. She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then taught horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years. She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.
I lost my horse Saturday 7th jan 2023
I would like to know who he’s with and does he blame me and how he is please.
Regards:S French
So sorry to hear that! In my experience, assuming they crossed over easily, by the time they are in the light they don’t have any negative feelings about the life they just left, or how they left it. So they won’t be thinking badly of you <3 <3 Do get in touch if you'd like to go into it deeper in a session, http://bit.ly/Book-A-Session
Last week one of my puppies got sick with parvo and it spread really fast to my other dogs. My puppy was very sick but I was able to save her, next her mother Baby Girl got sick but didn’t seem as sick as the puppy, then my male puppy caught it and passed after three days and then the daddy to the puppies got sick also. I had my two older dogs outside and I turned my back for about three mins to give them water and Baby Girl vanished from right there in the yard. I have looked everywhere to no avail. I pray she will come back but I feel like she ran off and passed. If she did I just want her to know that I love her and miss her and that the other two dogs are grieving really bad . Just need a sign to know that she is ok
So sorry to hear all that, heartbreaking for you 🙁 Lost pets really aren’t my forte I’m afraid, hope you find some answers <3
My beautiful 23 year old dressage horse suddenly colicked and was dead within two hours it all happened so fast and watched it all my pain is unbearable s he ok
So sorry to hear that, the shock and trauma can be just as bad for us as them 🙁 I hope the details in the blog reassured you a bit – he certainly won’t be in any pain any more. Reach out if you’d like to book a full session and ask all your questions.
How do l know if my horse has passed over the Rainbow Bridge or is in limbo l am still distraught over his death and need to know he’s ok
Hi, Amanda. That’s something I check in my sessions with animals that have passed over. I always want to check if they need any help in their journey. To be clear, being in limbo isn’t necessarily going to cause any trauma or anything – it just means they haven’t fully crossed over and so won’t be completely carefree and happy. It’s generally a very easy fix though!
I’ve recently let my horse go and cross the rainbow bridge.his arthritis was to point where he couldn’t get up after lying down anymore so I had him put to sleep on August 14th of this year I’m devastated and miss him so very much he was and always will be my boy..His name is Captain please tell him that We Love and miss him so very much..
Sending you love <3
I would like a full session pls
Hi, Amanda – you can book here http://bit.ly/Animal-Sessions. When you receive your confirmation email, send me a pic and name of your horse and we’ll take it from there!
Hi Trisha , I lost my horse 1 week ago and I would like a full session with you. Can u please tell me how to get started and the cost.. Thank you Michelle Hurtman
So sorry to hear that Michelle 🙁 Initial sessions are NZ$150 and I just need a photo and name. You can read more FAQ’s here , and you can book a session here
Trish, My beloved horse “Socks” of 18 years just passed on Feb 13, 2024. She was almost 23 yrs. Vets are unsure what killed her so quickly. Socks was my world…..my equine kid, my best friend. Im so lost without her and wondering what happened. I gave her bermuda for the first time the day before. I also gave her alfalfa which shes been eating her whole life. Within 2 hours she was bloated and almost death. Called the vet out late at night. She seemed a bit better & was running around the next day. She died later that day. HELP PLEASE
So sorry to hear that, I know how awful it is to lose them like that. Could certainly try checking in with her – http://bit.ly/Book-A-Session
Hi Trisha.Thank you for your work.I had my Darius euthonased this morning.Hewas in perfect health but could be a bit impatient.I am 70 and it was getting a little to much for me so I am hoping he went straight over the rainbow bridge.I am gutted though Greg
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, hope you’re doing ok <3