Do you find yourself wondering where Animal Communication info comes from? Is it purely from the animal ‘talking’ to the communicator?

I realised this could be useful to clarify or expand on after I had a new client recently reply to my session findings, saying something like, ‘You said that he likes….’, when in actual fact it wasn’t something ‘he’ had said.


Here’s where animal communication info comes from for me.

First of all, remember that not all Animal Communicators (including me) hear streams of conversation in their session. Even if we did, the animal might well be rattling off things that are nothing to do with what you actually want to know

Instead, the information we receive comes in a variety of ways. It could be colours, feelings, emotions, or pictures for instance, as well as, or instead of, words.  We learn over hundreds of sessions how to interpret what the information that we’re getting means.

Personally, I get visuals (eg scanning the body for issues), colours (chakras and energy), emotions (how the horse is feeling), and I ask lots of questions in my sessions. How the question is asked will also have some bearing on where the answer comes from.

So that’s the how, but what do I mean about where animal communication info comes from?

Well, if I ask, ‘do you like…’, then the answer will be coming directly from the animal. 

But, if I ask, ‘is x beneficial…’, then the answer is more likely coming from their higher self

For instance, if I personally was asked about chocolate, I would say, yes I love chocolate – but my higher self would likely say that it’s definitely not beneficial for me, ha ha ha (damn!).

It’s subtle – but it also means that we have access to a much deeper level of meaningful information, to help the animal, and your decision making.

Some questions certainly should be asked directly of the animal (eg if they’re happy, if they like where they live). Others (like, does he need something added to or removed from his diet), are being asked on a deeper level.

We might also ask for – or receive – information from Spirit Guides, Source, or the Universe / Universal Energy.

Remember too (read more here) that it’s not unusual for animals to hide things during a session.

Sometimes it’s deliberate – they just don’t want you to know – and sometimes it’s unconscious (eg it’s not important to them so they don’t think to bring it up). Perhaps pain or illness is being masked by medications.

This means that if your horse recently had a bad accident, or your dog is lost, it’s going to be important to mention that up front to your Animal Communicator. Them not mentioning it in their report doesn’t meant that they’re ‘no good’ (lol, yes, it has happened to me). It just means the animal didn’t show them that.

99% of my sessions are done ‘blind’ – all I get in advance is a photo and name, no other information. However, getting the right information from a horse or animal is about me asking the right questions – and to do that I need to know if there’s something important I should be asking about.

Let me know in the comments if you have questions about how Animal Communication works, and where the info comes from!

Keep connecting with your animals,

Trisha x

Grab my ‘Insider’s Guide to Animal Communication’ – a 12 page e-book to help you understand, and communicate better with your horse – here.


Want to know what’s going on with your horse or pet?  Book an Animal Communication session.

Whoah!! Sooooo interesting!

I was a bit sceptical and had been on the fence about contacting an animal communicator for a while. I liked the fact that Trisha didn’t want any information or questions up front, unlike some others, and I felt that giving information would influence the outcome.

So, without any information, what Trisha came back with was sooo interesting and accurate.

After his first session with Trisha, I could immediately see that his demeanour had really changed. More calm and really listening. And now we have some things to go away and work on. This has been amazing. I’m so glad I did it.

Angela Pedersen, 10 Feb 2023


About Trisha

Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life.  She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then taught horse and rider bio-mechanics in New Zealand and Australia for 10 years.  She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.